Sunday, November 25, 2007

25th Nov 07 - Sleepy

I can't believe I am blogging at this hours. I should be in my wonderworld... But anyway, I am in the midst of a mahjong session at my colleague place. No one knows when this session will ends.. I am feeling sort of dreamy. We are supposedly going drinking at Boat Quay as 1 of our colleague's friend opened up a pub there and we intend to go patonise. But last minute some changes to the plan hence was replaced by mahjong session instead.

I have resigned from my current job and 14th Dec (Friday) will be my last day. Will post more in the next posting..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why worry~~~ you are on leave~~~

Good Luck and Best Wishes on your new job~~!

Must do well this time orh~~
You have all my support!~

11:48 PM  

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