Sunday, April 08, 2007

Back Again

Its been about 6 months since I last blogged. Time really flies, A quarter of year 2007 has past. To summarise about my year in 2006, I would simply use a word - Pathetic. Anyway, who cares about year 2006 anymore, I have finally ended my single profile on 30th Nov 2006. Life is unpredictable. But another joyous thing which happen in 2006 is that I managed to get a good job in Dec 2006. This time round, rejoining back this MNC has changed my life completely. Perhaps I will mentioned more about my job in the next post which I really had a long story to talk about, my work place, colleagues, and I had quite happenings exposures with my colleagues, that would probably be penned in the next posting.

Clubbing and pubbing. This is be also in my next posting. Anyway just to share, I had been pubbing quite recently, and under my influence, my close buddy whom gonna be my colleague soon has been influenced to pub too. Last week, we went to St. James Powerhouse to club, before 9pm, its under Happy Hours, therefore we got free admissions and entered Dragonfly and the other discotheque next to it. As its still too early, no crowd at all. Till 11 plus, we swap to Dragonfly, and we queued for about half hour for re-entry but to my disappointment, the place is not suitable, hence we went back next door again. Its been ages since I last club, the frequent times was 2 to 3 years back, to either Music Underground, or Mdm Wong (can't remember is MW or MW2) but anyway those were the days... Even during Secondary school days, I usually will joined a group of friends for tea-dance in Canto. Those were happening days and memories too.

Ok... Shall stop here first, will be updating soon again.



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