Sunday, September 23, 2007

23rd Sep 07 - Windy Day

I have no idea what prompts me to log in to my blog and update. My mind is in a blank at the moment. Perhaps when I starts to write, words will be flowing out. For the recent weeks, I am surrounded by issues - health, work, and even my love life issues. Love life has been on the rocks recently, quarrels after quarrels. No communications seems to be the best way to cool both off. Let's keep finger crossed!

By the way, my sis had got married last sunday. That was a busy day for everyone in the family. Evening time was the most tedious time for me. I need to be perform as an usher during her wedding banquet. Its never easy. Walking in and out, up and down, left to right. Anyway she is currently in Seoul for her honeymoon (perhaps I do envy her).

I do mentioned in the last post, I joined a MNC last year and the job has opened myself to an industry which is total new to myself. Working hours may be late occasionally, weekends gotta be back to settle work issues, late night calls coordination, and even working on public holidays if required have becomes part of my life. The greatest satisfaction in this job, is to have a great team of colleagues, and an excellent working enviroment. This greatly enhanced and boost the morale during working. Occasionally after working hours, a small team of colleagues would meet up for drinks. The usual frequent hangout will be in Katong Village's pub. We drank, we sang, we played, we joked. And finally we worried - for traffic road blocks.

My italian babe is still in my pampering stage. Although its been a year, but my passion is still going strong. It occasionally will drive up my mood, it tense me up when I am having absolute control over her. It feels absolutely great!

Alright then, shall continue in the next posting. Hopefully will not be on bi-annual frequency.

Stay tuned......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is always unpredictable. There may be moments when things goes wrong and you find it unbearable.
Take it as a new challenge!! As you have overcome so much in the past and you are still standing here! Strong and Well.
Those who support and believe in you will always be there for you.
Faith in you will always be there when you need it most.

11:44 PM  

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